Top communication tools to connect with your deskless workforce

Explore the top communication tools to bridge the gap with your deskless workforce, equipping you with effective solutions and strategies to enhance communication, engagement, and collaboration with remote and on-the-go employees.

Inês Pinto

Top communication tools to connect with your deskless workforce

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What are deskless workers and why is effective communication important?

Deskless workers are employees who perform their job duties away from a traditional office setting. They are a mobile workforce that operates in various industries, such as retail, hospitality, healthcare, manufacturing, transportation, and construction. These workers often interact directly with customers, operate machinery, or perform physical labor tasks.

Effective communication is crucial for deskless workers to maintain productivity, ensure safety, and foster employee engagement. Clear and timely communication enables deskless workers to receive important updates, instructions, and training, which can directly impact their job performance and the overall success of the organization.

Common communication challenges for deskless workers

Deskless workers face a unique set of communication challenges that can hinder their productivity, safety, and overall engagement. 

Lack of access to corporate communication tools

One of the primary challenges is the lack of access to corporate email and communication tools that are commonly used in office environments. Many deskless workers rely on personal devices or have limited access to computers, making it difficult to receive important updates, announcements, and training materials.

Inability to attend meetings or training sessions

Deskless workers often have irregular schedules or work in remote locations, making it challenging to participate in traditional in-person meetings or training programs. This can lead to missed opportunities for professional development, knowledge sharing, and collaboration with colleagues.

Language barriers and varying literacy levels

In industries with a diverse workforce, such as hospitality, retail, and construction, employees may speak different languages or have varying levels of reading and writing proficiency. This can make it difficult to convey important information effectively and ensure that everyone understands the message.

Irregular working schedules

Shift work and irregular schedules are common in many industries with deskless workers, such as healthcare, transportation, and manufacturing. This can create communication gaps, as employees may miss important updates or announcements during their off-hours. Additionally, coordinating communication across multiple shifts and ensuring that information is consistently shared can be a significant challenge.

The impact of poor communication on deskless workers

Poor communication with deskless workers can have severe consequences on various aspects of business operations.

❌ Missing important information and updates

Deskless workers often operate in dynamic environments where changes in procedures, safety protocols, or operational guidelines can occur frequently. Without effective communication channels, these workers may not receive critical updates promptly, leading to potential errors, inefficiencies, or safety hazards.

❌ Decreased productivity and efficiency

Deskless workers rely on clear instructions, task assignments, and coordination to perform their duties effectively. If communication is lacking or unclear, workers may waste time seeking clarification or make mistakes that require rework, ultimately hindering their productivity and efficiency.

❌ Safety risks and compliance issues

Many deskless workers operate in high-risk environments, such as construction sites, manufacturing facilities, or healthcare settings. Failure to communicate safety protocols, hazard alerts, or regulatory updates can put workers at risk of accidents or expose the organization to compliance violations and potential legal liabilities.

❌ Negative impact on employee engagement and retention

Deskless workers who feel disconnected from the organization or lack access to important information may experience low morale and job dissatisfaction. This can lead to higher employee turnover rates, which can be costly for businesses in terms of recruitment, training, and knowledge loss.

❌ Poor customer service

Furthermore, disengaged and uninformed deskless workers may provide subpar customer service or make decisions that negatively impact the company's reputation or bottom line. Effective communication is crucial for aligning deskless workers with the organization's goals, values, and priorities, fostering a sense of belonging and commitment.

4 Key features of effective communication tools for deskless workers

Effective communication tools for deskless workers must be designed with their unique needs and challenges in mind.

Here are the 4 key features you need when selecting the right communication tool for your deskless workforce:

1. Mobile-friendly

One of the most crucial features is mobile-friendliness and accessibility on personal devices. Deskless workers are constantly on the move, and their primary means of communication is often their personal smartphones or tablets. Tools that are optimized for mobile use, with intuitive interfaces and responsive designs, ensure that important information is easily accessible anytime, anywhere.

2. Ability to communicate in real-time

Another critical feature is the ability to send targeted, real-time updates and alerts. Deskless workers need to stay informed about important developments, safety protocols, schedule changes, and other time-sensitive information. Communication tools should allow managers and supervisors to quickly disseminate updates and alerts to specific teams, locations, or individuals, ensuring that the right information reaches the right people at the right time.

3. Multimedia support

Support for multimedia content, such as images, videos, and audio, is also essential. Visual aids and multimedia can significantly enhance the comprehension and retention of information, especially for workers with diverse language backgrounds or varying literacy levels. Tools that enable the sharing of multimedia content can help convey complex instructions, safety procedures, or training materials more effectively.

4. Feedback mechanisms

Effective communication tools should facilitate two-way communication and feedback mechanisms. Deskless workers often have valuable insights and feedback based on their on-the-ground experiences, and it's crucial to provide channels for them to voice their concerns, suggestions, or questions. Tools that enable two-way communication not only promote engagement and collaboration but also help identify potential issues or areas for improvement.

By incorporating these key features – mobile-friendliness, real-time updates and alerts, multimedia support, and two-way communication – organizations can empower their deskless workforce with the tools they need to stay informed, engaged, and productive, ultimately driving better outcomes for both the employees and the business.

Top communication solutions for deskless workers

Keeping in mind the features above, here are the best communication tools to connect with your deskless team:

📱 Employee Apps

Employee apps like Oneteam are designed specifically for deskless workers. Our mobile-friendly platform provides a centralized hub for communication, training, and employee engagement. With features like real-time messaging, multimedia sharing, and targeted notifications, employee apps enable seamless communication across dispersed teams.

💬 Mobile messaging platforms

Popular messaging apps like Whatsapp and Telegram can be effective tools for communicating with deskless workers. These platforms are widely adopted and familiar to most employees, making them easily accessible. They support multimedia content sharing, group messaging, and instant updates, facilitating real-time communication and collaboration.

However, keep in mind that Whatsapp may not be suitable for all businesses. Learn more about the risks of using Whatsapp for internal communication.

🪧 Digital signage and kiosks

Digital signage and kiosks can be strategically placed in high-traffic areas, such as break rooms, entryways, or production floors. These displays can showcase important announcements, safety information, and other relevant content in a visually engaging format. Digital signage is particularly useful for reaching deskless workers who may not have regular access to other communication channels.

⌚ Wearable devices and IoT solutions

As technology advances, wearable devices and Internet of Things (IoT) solutions are becoming increasingly relevant for deskless worker communication. Smartwatches, AR/VR headsets, and other wearable devices can deliver instant notifications and alerts, ensuring that critical information reaches employees in real-time, even in hands-on or hazardous work environments. IoT solutions, such as connected sensors and beacons, can also provide valuable data and insights to enhance communication and safety protocols.

Overcoming barriers to adoption

Implementing new communication tools for deskless workers can present several barriers that organizations must address.

Data privacy and security

Deskless workers often handle sensitive information, and ensuring that communication tools maintain data security and comply with relevant regulations is crucial. Organizations should be transparent about their data handling practices and implement robust security measures, such as encryption and access controls.

For example, if your organization needs to follow GDPR best practices, you’ll want to ensure you select an employee app that is GDPR compliant (like Oneteam 😉).

Providing adequate training and support

Effective communication relies on the proper use of the tools, and organizations should invest in comprehensive training programs. This can include hands-on sessions, video tutorials, and readily available support resources to ensure that users can fully leverage the communication tools.

Securing buy-in from managers

Managers play a pivotal role in fostering a culture of open communication and setting expectations for tool usage. Organizations should involve managers early in the implementation process, clearly communicate the benefits of the new tools, and provide them with the necessary resources and training to champion the adoption.

Integration with existing systems

Deskless workers often rely on various applications and processes in their daily operations, and seamless integration can streamline communication and minimize disruptions. Organizations should assess their current technology landscape and ensure that the new communication tools can integrate with existing systems, such as scheduling software, task management platforms, and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems.

Best practices for successful implementation

Successful implementation of communication tools for deskless workers requires a strategic approach.

1. Start with a pilot

Start with a pilot program and gather feedback from a representative group of employees. This allows you to identify potential issues, refine the solution, and build buy-in before a full rollout.

2. Involve employees

Involve employees in the selection and implementation process. Seek their input on preferred communication channels, device compatibility, and user experience. This not only ensures the solution meets their needs but also fosters a sense of ownership and increases adoption rates.

3. Establish clear communication guidelines

Define expectations for appropriate use, response times, and content guidelines. Provide training and resources to ensure consistent and effective communication across the organization.

4. Continuously monitor and optimize

Regularly collect feedback from employees and analyze usage data. Identify areas for improvement and make adjustments as needed. Effective communication is an ongoing process, and the strategy should evolve to meet the changing needs of the organization and its deskless workforce.

Future trends and innovations in deskless worker communication

The future of communication for deskless workers is poised to undergo significant advancements driven by emerging technologies:

  • Wearable devices and IoT solutions: Wearables like smartwatches and augmented reality (AR) glasses can provide hands-free access to critical information, enabling deskless workers to receive updates and instructions without interrupting their workflow. IoT sensors and beacons can also be integrated into the work environment, enabling real-time location tracking, safety monitoring, and automated communication based on contextual data.

  • AR and VR: AR can overlay digital information onto the physical world, allowing workers to access visual instructions, safety guidelines, or real-time data while performing their tasks. VR can create immersive training environments, enabling deskless workers to practice scenarios and develop skills in a risk-free virtual setting.

  • 5G technology: The adoption of 5G technology is expected to revolutionize connectivity for deskless workers, particularly in remote or rural areas. With faster data speeds and lower latency, 5G will enable seamless real-time communication, video streaming, and data transfer, even in locations with limited infrastructure. This improved connectivity will unlock new possibilities for remote collaboration, remote assistance, and access to information for deskless workers in the field.

  • Artificial intelligence: AI and chatbots are also poised to play a significant role in enhancing communication for deskless workers. AI-powered chatbots can provide instant access to information, answer common queries, and guide workers through processes or troubleshooting steps. Additionally, AI can be leveraged to analyze communication patterns, identify areas for improvement, and provide personalized recommendations for more effective communication strategies.

As these technologies continue to evolve and become more accessible, they will empower deskless workers with unprecedented levels of connectivity, information access, and collaboration capabilities, ultimately driving productivity, safety, and engagement within the mobile workforce.

Inês Pinto

Inês Pinto

Inês is the Head of Content at Oneteam. She mainly writes about employee experience and other HR topics. Fun fact about Inês: she is originally from Portugal, grew up in Canada and the US, and now lives in the Netherlands with her husband and 3 daughters!

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