How to craft internal communication strategies that drive results in manufacturing

Revamp your manufacturing team's communication with practical strategies to boost productivity, enhance safety, and foster teamwork.

Inês Pinto

How to craft internal communication strategies that drive results in manufacturing

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What is internal communication and why is it important in manufacturing?

Internal communication refers to the exchange of information, ideas, and messages within an organization. It encompasses various channels and methods used to facilitate effective communication among employees, teams, departments, and leadership. In the manufacturing industry, effective internal communication plays a crucial role in ensuring operational efficiency, employee engagement, and overall organizational success.

The manufacturing sector is characterized by complex processes, strict quality standards, and a diverse workforce. Clear and consistent communication is essential for coordinating activities, disseminating important information, and fostering a collaborative environment. Strong internal communication strategies help align employees with the company's goals, values, and objectives, enabling them to understand their roles and contributions to the overall success of the organization.


Effective internal communication in the manufacturing industry offers numerous benefits, including:

1. Improved operational efficiency: By ensuring that information flows seamlessly across departments and teams, internal communication facilitates better coordination, reduces errors, and streamlines processes, ultimately leading to increased productivity and efficiency.

2. Enhanced employee engagement and morale: Open and transparent communication fosters a sense of belonging and trust among employees. When employees feel informed and valued, they are more likely to be engaged, motivated, and committed to their work, leading to higher job satisfaction and reduced turnover.

3. Better decision-making: Effective internal communication enables the sharing of valuable insights, feedback, and data from various levels of the organization. This diverse input aids in making well-informed decisions that align with the company's goals and address operational challenges.

4. Improved safety and compliance: In the manufacturing industry, safety protocols and regulatory compliance are paramount. Clear and consistent communication ensures that employees are aware of safety procedures, quality standards, and legal requirements, reducing the risk of accidents, injuries, and non-compliance issues.

5. Fostered innovation and continuous improvement: By encouraging open communication and the exchange of ideas, internal communication strategies create an environment conducive to innovation and continuous improvement. Employees feel empowered to share their insights, suggestions, and feedback, leading to process enhancements and product improvements.

Strong internal communication strategies are essential for manufacturing organizations to thrive in a competitive and rapidly evolving industry. By prioritizing effective communication, companies can foster a culture of collaboration, engagement, and continuous improvement, ultimately driving operational excellence and long-term success.

The most common challenges in internal communication in the manufacturing industry (and how to overcome them)

Effective internal communication in the manufacturing industry is crucial, but it comes with its own set of challenges.

❌ Information overload

With multiple shifts, departments, and teams, employees can quickly become overwhelmed with the sheer volume of information they receive. To combat this, it's essential to streamline communication channels and prioritize the most critical information.

❌ Working in silos

Manufacturing operations often involve various departments, such as production, quality control, maintenance, and logistics, each with its own specialized knowledge and workflows. Encouraging open communication and knowledge-sharing across these silos can enhance efficiency, problem-solving, and innovation.

❌ Consistent communication across the organization

From the executive team to frontline workers, everyone should receive timely and accurate information relevant to their roles and responsibilities. This consistency not only promotes transparency and trust but also ensures that everyone is working towards the same goals and objectives.

To address these challenges, HR professionals can implement strategies such as:

✔️ Establishing clear communication protocols and guidelines to manage information flow

✔️ Utilizing collaboration tools and platforms to facilitate cross-functional teamwork

✔️ Conducting regular team meetings and briefings to align departments and share updates

✔️ Leveraging visual communication tools, such as digital signage and dashboards, to convey key messages effectively

✔️ Encouraging feedback and open dialogue to identify communication gaps and areas for improvement

3 Steps to develop an effective internal communication plan in the manufacturing industry

Developing an effective internal communication plan is crucial for manufacturing organizations to ensure seamless operations, foster collaboration, and drive overall success. To create a comprehensive plan, it is essential to understand your target audience, clearly define goals and objectives, and identify the most suitable communication channels and tools.

1. Understand your target audience

Manufacturing organizations often have diverse groups of employees, including production workers, engineers, supervisors, managers, and executives. Each group may have different communication preferences, levels of technical expertise, and information needs. By understanding these nuances, you can tailor your communication strategies to resonate with each audience effectively.

For instance, production workers may prefer visual aids, short videos, or face-to-face interactions, while managers and executives might appreciate detailed reports, data-driven presentations, and virtual meetings. Identifying these preferences will help you choose the right communication channels and deliver information in a way that resonates with your target audience.

2. Clearly define goals and objectives

Effective internal communication should align with the organization's overall goals and objectives. Define what you want to achieve through your communication efforts, whether it's improving operational efficiency, fostering a culture of safety, enhancing employee engagement, or facilitating cross-functional collaboration.

Clearly articulated goals and objectives will guide the development of your communication strategies, ensuring that your messages are purposeful, relevant, and contribute to the desired outcomes. For example, if your goal is to improve safety awareness, your communication plan might include regular safety briefings, visual reminders, and interactive training sessions.


3. Identify communication channels and tools

In the manufacturing industry, employees often work in various locations, including production floors, offices, and remote sites. Identifying the most suitable communication channels and tools is crucial to ensure that your messages reach the intended audience effectively.

Traditional channels like face-to-face meetings, printed materials, and bulletin boards can be complemented by digital tools such as employee apps, intranets, digital signage, and video conferencing platforms. Leverage a mix of channels to cater to different preferences and ensure that your messages are accessible to all employees.

Additionally, consider the nature of the information you need to communicate. Time-sensitive updates or emergency notifications may require instant messaging or push notifications, while training materials or policy updates might be better suited for self-paced e-learning modules or interactive video content.

3 Key elements of a successful internal communication strategy in manufacturing

✨ Clear and consistent messaging

Employees need to receive coherent and aligned information from various channels and sources to avoid confusion and misunderstandings. A unified messaging strategy ensures that everyone is on the same page, regardless of their role or department.

✨ Two-way communication

Two-way communication and feedback loops are essential for fostering a collaborative and inclusive environment. Manufacturing organizations should encourage open dialogue, where employees can voice their concerns, share ideas, and provide feedback. This not only empowers employees but also helps identify potential issues or areas for improvement. Implementing feedback mechanisms, such as suggestion boxes, town hall meetings, or anonymous surveys, can facilitate this two-way communication.

✨ Engaging and interactive content

Engaging and interactive content is key to capturing and maintaining employees' attention in the manufacturing industry. Traditional methods of communication, such as lengthy emails or static memos, may not resonate as effectively with the modern workforce. Instead, organizations should consider incorporating multimedia elements, such as videos, infographics, and interactive presentations, to convey information in a more engaging and memorable way. Additionally, gamification techniques, such as quizzes or challenges, can be used to reinforce learning and encourage participation.

How to leverage digital tools for internal communication in the manufacturing industry

In today's digital age, professionals in the manufacturing industry can leverage a variety of digital tools to enhance their internal communication strategies. These tools not only streamline communication processes but also foster employee engagement and collaboration.

📱 Employee apps

Employee apps serve as centralized hubs for internal communication, providing a single platform for sharing information, announcements, and updates. These tools allow employees to access important resources, policies, and training materials from anywhere, at any time. Additionally, they facilitate collaboration by enabling employees to communicate, share files, and work on projects together seamlessly.

For instance, our employee app at Oneteam can offer your manufacturing team the all-in-one hub they need for an effective internal comms strategy. Your team will be able to communicate with features like:

  • Timeline: View and post messages to your community.
  • Chat: Send private messages to individuals or create private group chats with multiple coworkers.
  • Events: Create and manage events, notify attendees, and keep track of attendance.
  • Academy: Onboard and train your workforce by creating e-learning courses with content and quiz modules. Content may include text, video, images or PDFs.
  • Document management: Upload documents to the hub and organize them into custom folders.

Plus, as an admin user, you can easily segment your workforce and organize them into Communities and Function Groups so you can target your messaging more easily and effectively. Learn more about our internal communication features.


🪧 Digital signage and displays

Digital signage and displays can be powerful tools for delivering real-time information to employees in manufacturing facilities. These visual communication channels can display safety reminders, production updates, company news, and other important messages in high-traffic areas. Digital signage ensures that critical information reaches employees promptly, even in environments where access to computers or mobile devices may be limited.

📹 Video content and microlearning modules

Video content and microlearning modules are engaging and effective ways to communicate with employees in the manufacturing industry. Short, bite-sized videos can convey complex information in an easily digestible format, making them ideal for training, safety instructions, and product demonstrations. Additionally, microlearning modules can be accessed on-demand, allowing employees to learn at their own pace and reinforcing key concepts through interactive elements.

By leveraging these digital tools, HR professionals can streamline communication, improve information dissemination, and foster a more engaged and informed workforce. These tools not only enhance internal communication but also contribute to increased productivity, safety, and overall operational efficiency.

How to boost employee engagement with internal comms in manufacturing

Employee engagement is crucial in the manufacturing industry, where motivated and committed workers are essential for maintaining productivity, quality, and safety standards. Engaged employees are more likely to be proactive, take ownership of their work, and go the extra mile to ensure successful operations.

Strategies for improving employee engagement in the manufacturing industry include:

1. Clear communication and transparency: Effective internal communication fosters a sense of trust and transparency within the organization. Keeping employees informed about company goals, performance, and changes helps them feel valued and connected to the bigger picture.

2. Recognition and appreciation: Acknowledging and rewarding employees' contributions, whether through formal recognition programs or simple gestures of appreciation, can significantly boost morale and engagement.

3. Professional development opportunities: Providing employees with opportunities for growth, such as training programs, mentorship, and career advancement pathways, demonstrates the company's investment in their long-term success.

4. Collaborative work environment: Encouraging collaboration and teamwork among employees can foster a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose, leading to increased engagement and commitment.

5. Employee feedback and involvement: Actively seeking and acting upon employee feedback and suggestions can make them feel heard and valued, leading to higher levels of engagement.


Internal communication plays a pivotal role in driving employee engagement in the manufacturing industry. Effective communication strategies can help:

Align employees with company goals: By clearly communicating the company's vision, mission, and objectives, employees can better understand how their individual contributions fit into the larger picture, fostering a sense of purpose and engagement.

Foster a sense of belonging: Regular updates, announcements, and celebrations of achievements can create a sense of community and belonging among employees, strengthening their emotional connection to the organization.

Enable two-way dialogue: Encouraging open communication channels and feedback loops empowers employees to voice their opinions, concerns, and ideas, making them feel valued and engaged.

Share success stories and achievements: Highlighting individual and team accomplishments can inspire and motivate employees, reinforcing the impact of their efforts and driving further engagement.

By prioritizing employee engagement and leveraging effective internal communication strategies, manufacturing organizations can cultivate a motivated and committed workforce, ultimately contributing to improved productivity, quality, and overall organizational success.

How to measure the effectiveness of internal communication efforts

Measuring the effectiveness of internal communication strategies is crucial for understanding their impact and identifying areas for improvement. In the manufacturing industry, where clear and efficient communication can significantly influence productivity, safety, and overall operational success, implementing robust measurement practices is paramount.

💡 Conduct employee surveys and polls

One of the most direct ways to gauge the effectiveness of internal communication efforts is by gathering feedback from employees through surveys and polls. These tools can provide valuable insights into employees' perceptions, preferences, and overall satisfaction with the communication channels and content being used. Surveys can cover various aspects, such as the clarity and frequency of communications, the usefulness of the information provided, and the accessibility of the communication channels.

By regularly conducting employee surveys, HR professionals can identify pain points, areas of confusion, or communication gaps that may be hindering productivity or causing frustration among the workforce. This feedback can then be used to refine and improve internal communication strategies, ensuring that they are better aligned with the needs and preferences of employees.

💡 Analyze engagement metrics and data

In addition to employee feedback, HR professionals can leverage various engagement metrics and data to measure the effectiveness of their internal communication efforts. These metrics may include open rates for emails or intranet articles, click-through rates for digital signage or employee app notifications, and participation rates in virtual meetings or training sessions.

By analyzing these metrics, HR professionals can gain insights into which communication channels and content types are resonating with employees and driving engagement. For example, if a particular type of video content consistently receives high viewership and engagement, it may indicate that employees prefer that format for certain types of information.

Furthermore, HR professionals can track changes in productivity, safety incidents, or other key performance indicators (KPIs) before and after implementing new internal communication strategies. Any positive shifts in these metrics could potentially be attributed to improved communication and understanding among employees.

💡 Continuously improve and refine strategies

Measuring the effectiveness of internal communication efforts should be an ongoing process, as the needs and preferences of employees, as well as the communication landscape itself, are constantly evolving. By continuously gathering feedback, analyzing data, and monitoring relevant metrics, HR professionals can identify areas for improvement and refine their internal communication strategies accordingly.

This iterative approach allows HR professionals to stay agile and responsive, adapting their communication efforts to align with changing business needs, technological advancements, and shifts in workforce demographics or dynamics. Regular evaluation and refinement ensure that internal communication strategies remain relevant, effective, and aligned with the organization's goals and objectives.


Case studies: Internal communication in the manufacturing industry

Successful internal communication campaigns in the manufacturing industry often share common traits. Let’s explore a few case studies.

🧑‍🏭 Acme Manufacturing

Acme Manufacturing is a leading automotive parts supplier. They implemented a comprehensive internal communication strategy that included a user-friendly employee app, regular town hall meetings, and a recognition program for employee contributions. This holistic approach fostered a culture of open communication, transparency, and collaboration, leading to increased employee engagement and productivity.

🧑‍🏭 Global Precision

Global Precision is a multinational electronics manufacturer. They leveraged digital signage and interactive kiosks across their facilities to share real-time updates, safety protocols, and company news. Additionally, they introduced microlearning modules and gamified training programs, making internal communication more engaging and effective. As a result, they witnessed a significant reduction in workplace incidents and improved compliance with industry regulations.

Key takeaways from these successful campaigns include the importance of tailoring communication strategies to the unique needs and preferences of the workforce, embracing a multi-channel approach, and consistently measuring and refining efforts based on data-driven insights.

Inês Pinto

Inês Pinto

Inês is the Head of Content at Oneteam. She mainly writes about employee experience and other HR topics. Fun fact about Inês: she is originally from Portugal, grew up in Canada and the US, and now lives in the Netherlands with her husband and 3 daughters!

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